Flip Down Fan for the DF

I’ve come up with a useful gadget for the DF that I thought I’d share here. It’s a small USB fan that’s attached under the front cowling that can be flipped down to provide a small breeze when I find that I’m not moving fast enough to get decent airflow into the cockpit. The important pieces are the cheap fan bought on Amazon, a cabinet hinge, some magnets, E6000 glue to attach the magnets, a 3D printed hinged holder for the fan, velcro and a USB charger/battery pack.

Here’s the fan in the down and up positions.

This the fan that I bought on Amazon. If you look closely in the other pictures, you can see that I cut off part of the external plastic ring below the pivots.

Here’s the fan and hinged holder. It’s mounted to the cowling with strong velcro. The Magnets are used to hold it in the up and down positions.

Here’s a better look at the design of the 3D printed hinged fan holder.

This is the cabinet hinge. I don’t know the model number. It’s one of many that I’ve replaced in my kitchen due to a broken return spring.

This is the battery pack that I’m using to power the fan and 2 video cameras.

Here are some links for the items mentioned above: