
Here are some videos that I either shot myself or find interesting. I apologize that my videos are not nicely edited. I don’t have the patience.

This is the winning run by Orin Peters at the 2018 Great Western Bike Rally Time Trial. This guy is an animal.

Here’s a rear view video that I shot on Pacific Coast Highway. Bill and I just rode past a group of road bike riders. I ran into one of these riders the next day. Of course his first question was “What kind of motor do you have in that thing?”

This is a short video of me following Duane Jardine on El Polmar Road in Paso Robles, CA at the 2017 Western Bike Rally.

I ran into my friend Perry today at the beach parking lot. Perry has a bad neck and has trouble loading and unloading his Scorpion trike from his pickup truck. I remembered that my friend Bill had uploaded a video showing his ramp system to load and unload his velomobile. Here’s Bill’s system. Maybe it will give Perry some ideas.

I happened to get a Strava KOM on a short segment in Hope Ranch. Here it is…

I was following my friend Jonathan in his IntercityBike DF Velomobile. Things got a bit hairy as he rode on the rumble strips.

Here’s a video showing a velomobile rolling onto its side while crossing rumble strips.

My friend Gregory and I took a trip to the Laguna Seca Raceway in 2012. Here are a couple of short videos of our ride on the track. I’m riding the Monster. Gregory is riding a Catrike 700. Gregory gets the jump and takes off into the distance.

At turn 1, Gregory almost went off the exit of the turn.

A close call on Cathedral Oaks.

Here are some clips from a ride on the Ventura – Ojai bike path. Along the way, you’ll see Bill on his Alleweder, Jon on his Catrike 700, Eric and Susie on their Greenspeed GTT, Mel on his Trice QNT, Brent is on his Azub T-Tris, Vince on his Catrike Expedition and me on my ICE Vortex.

I took a ride up Old San Marcos Road yesterday. My friend, Nick, followed me down with the Go Pro on the hood of the car. I was in the 40mph range most of the way down.

Here’s another trip down Old San Marcos Road. The quality is a little better than the earlier video.


Yet another video on Old San Marcos Road – but side by side footage with my son riding a long board. Note that at some point a guy on a skateboard is going faster than an ex-racer riding a recumbent trike.


A cruise on the American River Trail bike path in Sacramento, CA with 4 other velomobiles\

A velomobile hanging with the 2019 Tour de France peloton.

Just a velomobile tipping over. I hope not to do this.

Take a look at my friend Peter Borenstadt at the 2022 Human Powered Speed Challenge in his DF velomobile. Peter is running a couple of my designs – the white hood and yellow nose cap.

Here’s a way to transport a velomobile on top of a small car.

Car-Topping Your Velo from John Quill on Vimeo.

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